You've been working at trying to make a living online for a couple of months now, or a couple of years, and you've nothing to show for it beyond a computer hard drive clogged up with all that useless software you've been induced into buying. There's so much of it that you don't even remember what it is or what it's supposed to do but one thing is certain. None of it has made you a dime.
Take comfort. You're not alone. In the early days of the internet, things were different. Then, anyone, even a half trained chimp could set up a web site and come away with a good livelihood. But as it is in all aspects of life; things change. Today, making a living on line takes a lot more effort. A whole lot more!
A thought like this may be discouraging, but it shouldn't be. If you're serious about making it in internet marketing, listen up. It takes a while! Reconcile yourself to that and soldier on and you'll be fine.
Which brings us to the first highly critical factor you need to bring to the table if you want to make it in this very demanding business. It's called, Attitude! It's also called Mindset. It's been said, "if you can change your mind, you can change your life."
First of all, get out of the self pity and the "it can't be done" frame of mind you may be finding yourself in and begin focusing on gratitude (sure, be grateful you're still functioning; still able to keep on going), helping others (it's important to get out of yourself), and above all believe in yourself!. An attitude like that won't allow you to fail. With this kind of attitude, you will automatically begin doing all the right things.
It's vitally important for you to jump out of bed in the morning with a smile on your face, eager to attack the adversaries lined up to thwart you, knowing in your heart that you can conquer them. And bear in mind, success is supposed to be hard! Where's the satisfaction in defeating a wimpy enemy?
You cannot set the bar too high; it's got to be set at a realistic, do able level. Compare yourself with the people making millions as you try to make your first dollar and you're running your expectations out of all proportion. It takes years to get into that league, and you can get there, but you need to learn to walk before you can fly. You need to measure success by your own definition, not someone else's.
It's important to set a few boundaries when you're first starting out, or when you're in the early stages of your internet marketing efforts. For one thing - very important - don't expect to get rich quick! All those yarns you've been hearing about people getting to be internet millionaires practically overnight are being spun by internet millionaires who have gotten that way by selling folks like you on buying the worthless junk that has made them rich. Are you getting the picture? It took these marketers a long time to develop their lucrative systems, a lot of time and money went into them, and they have large staff to keep the business on track. You're not there yet. Serve your apprenticeship. Be patient.
Be prepared to spend time learning about the business. Whenever you enter a new field, no matter what it is, it takes a certain amount of time to learn how to operate in it. Internet Marketing is no different than any other business. You need to take the time to learn it. Allocate a specific amount of time each day for doing nothing but educating yourself in the business. All today's successful marketers have gone through exactly what you are going through now. Yes, they've purchased all the junk, they've done all the trial, error, and failures; they've had all the disappointments, discouragements and heartaches before turning their efforts into consistent, money making businesses.
If you've been under the impression that you can set up an on line internet marketing business without spending any money, shake that thought off your back right now. It ain't gonna happen!
You'll need to allocate a specific amount of money to learning, for domain registrations, website hosting, email and auto responder services, and a whole host of other unforeseen expenses that will come along. Sorry about that. It goes with the territory. Keep your bank account and credit card safe by allocating what you can afford for this effort and stay within your budget. Resist the urge to buy every shiny new object that gets promoted to you. Stay focused on your objective and complete each project before embarking on the next one.
Keep things quiet. Don't share your thoughts, efforts, and ambitions with anyone at this point. It will sap energy you need for more important things. You also don't need any negative input, which you will receive in abundance if you discuss this at random. This all takes perseverance, dedication, action, and a determination to finish the race. Remember that attitude. Keep it with you and stay determined not to stop until you've finished the race.
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